THEME 1  -  Durability of materials - Interfaces en natural/industrial environment

Scientific animators : Jérôme Pulpytel (Assoc. Pr.) Carlos M. Sanchez-Sanchez (CNRS Researcher)

Our Research Activities

Our research activities are focused on one side on the elaboration of thin film materials using electrochemical techniques, electro-assisted methods, or plasma techniques, and on the other side, on the characterisation of these synthesized materials in view of targeted applications such as energy, environment or health.


 Operation 1 : Corrosion and scaling, mechanism and inhibition


Participants : F. Arefi-Khonsari, H. Cheap-Charpentier, C. Debiemme-Chouvy, J. Han, A. Pailleret, J. Pulpytel

Goal : Understand corrosion and scaling mechanisms, and their inhibition by molecular or inorganic compounds, whether they are solubilised or immobilized.

Main tools : SQCM, Electrochemical Atomic Force Microscopy (EC-AFM), electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), atomic emission spectroelectrochemistry (AESEC)


Collaborations : TotalEnergie, Safran, ICMT (Ohio Univ., USA), SEB-CALOR, LCMCP-SU, VEOLIA, SIAAP, ISSTE-Tunisie, Western Ontario University (Canada), McMaster University (Canada), Institut de Recherche de Chimie ParisTech (IRCP), CEA Saclay

References :

"Effects of magnetic field on homogeneous and heterogeneous precipitation of calcium carbonate", S. Ben Latifa, H. Cheap-Charpentier, H. Perrot et Y. Ben Amor, ChemElectroChem, (DOI : 10.1002/celc.202300105).

"Elementally resolved dissolution kinetics of a Ni-Fe-Cr-Mn-Co multi-principal element alloy in sulfuric acid using AESEC-EIS", J. Han, A.Y. Gerard, P. Lu, J.E. Saal, K. Ogle, J.R. Scully, J. Electrochem. Soc., 2022, 169:081507,

"Operando kinetics of hydrogen evolution and elemental dissolution II: A time resolved mass-charge balance during the anodic dissolution of magnesium with variable iron content", B. Dou, X. Li, J. Han, N. Birbilis, K. Ogle, Corros. Sci., 2023, 217:111095,


Operation 2 : Depollution and electroanalysis in natural environment


Participants : C. Debiemme-Chouvy, C. Sanchez-Sanchez, N. Simon

Goal : Understand depollution processes by electrochemical means.

Main tools : membrane electrolysis cells, SECM





Operation 3 : Surface treatments and functionalization


Participants : F. Arefi-Khonsari, C. Debiemme-Chouvy, L. Fillaud, H. Perrot, J. Pulpytel

Goal : Control the nanostructure and surface chemistry in order to achieve specific functionalities or performances

Main tools : Low pressure plasma reactors, atmospheric plasmas, Differential Electrochemical Mass Spectrometers (DEMS)